I'm really bad at being consistant with posting stuff. Lately I've been such a bum about doing work. I've been chilling out since it's technically my vacation. Mostly catching up on video games. I played through Uncharted 1 and 2 this past week. Those games are awesome. They also kept me from working on Name Game... which is not too awesome.
What has also kept me distracted is this..

That's right. After months of planning I FINALLY built my PC. This little baby includes, AMD Phenom II Cpu, Radeon HD SAPPHIRE Vapor-X graphics card, 8GB of G.SKILL Ripjaws RAM all incased in a sexy NZXT case. I call it the Citadel Core. I can't wait to start animating and gaming on this thing. Unfortunetly I'm still waiting on a friend to get me a copy of Windows 7 so I'm running a crappy copy of XP. But at least it's built. As you can see it's hard at work loading all my games on Steam..
Oh and here's some art too. I don't know what they are yet, but they'll be something soon.