So since I haven't been able to make too much brand new work here is some other stuff I've had floating around. Some of it is newer and some of it is kinda old.
This was something I did one of the first nights I got back to Baltimore to start summer classes. This was when I was much better at keeping the promise to myself that I was going to sketch something everyday.

Some more faces I did before one of my drives back to New York to kill some time.

A little study I did from some Team Fortress 2 concept art. I love the retro boxy design of that game... I also just love that whole game in general... even though I'm pretty terrible at it.

Sketch of the Name Game crew I did while in the waiting room for my doctor appointment. I still haven't come up with names for them yet. Even when I finally do decide what to name them I have no idea how to introduce them without being too obvious..

Some original quick sketches I did for my boogey man project for class.